I’m Martin Wickings.

Head of Data Science & AI @ Norlys.

With Norlys since 2016. Consistently focusing on data and AI innovation in Norlys – the energy and telecom industries.

Hands-on digital innovation through entrepreneurship since 2004.

You are welcome to reach out on LinkedIn.

Entrepreneurial learning by doing:

2004, GsmEvolution
A platform for mobile repair professionals.
GsmEvolution.com (Wayback Machine)

2006, WorldUnlock
A free Nokia unlock code calculator.
Google.com – “WorldUnlock Codes Calculator”

2011, BlockThatProxy
An e-commerce fraud detection service.
Berlingske.dk – “Iværksætter vil nakke muldyr i danske webshops”

2013, HeyBuy
An mobile marketing platform. Sold to Emplate ApS.
HeyBuy.dk (Wayback Machine)

2015, Shopfant
An e-commerce search engine. Pre-seed funding and failed.
Finans.dk – “Ny dansk søgemaskine vil bryde Googles grænser”

2016, LeasingTilbud
A car leasing scraper. Sold to K. W. Bruun Automotives A/S.

2018, Stock Alert
A real-time stock monitoring app. My current hobby.

2019, Ellie
A commission-free carbon offset app. Featured by Apple.
Ellie.eco (Wayback Machine)